How Fluid Are We? Gender, the Body, and Us
9:00 PM21:00

How Fluid Are We? Gender, the Body, and Us

We are told that our gender is fluid. How true is this? What is the reality and purpose of our bodies? Is there any truth to "fluidity"? What does any of this have to do with God? I will present a theology of the gendered body and discuss the truth and the limits of the idea of “fluidity.”

This is my second lecture as Visiting Catholic Scholar at Benedictine University-Mesa. It will be available on Zoom; register via Ramon Luzarraga at

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Respect Life Day
8:00 AM08:00

Respect Life Day

  • New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I will discuss Margaret Sanger's eugenic mindset, how that influenced Planned Parenthood, and how St. John Paul II's theology of the body provides an anthropological corrective for our troubled times. Bob Dunn will also update us on life-related legislation in New Hampshire.

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