The man seems light and liquid, the woman heavy and tied down. Likewise, the anorexic strives for the light and airy. She escapes the gravity not only of her body but also of need. Ultimately, both sexual revolution and eating disorders rebel against the given, against what is inescapable. Sex creates babies. Bodies require food. But who says? The rules don’t apply to me. Modernity valorizes the independent, self-sufficient man, as he strides rationally and freely into the well-managed future of his own creation. But the cheerleaders of secularism do not seem to have reckoned with the innately destructive quality of the self that has been unleashed from any transcendent orientation.
Read Moresexual ethics
The Starved Body: Anorexia and the Fracture within the Self →
Sex, Fear, and Idolatry →
What we in fact see through the history of twentieth-century sexuality is that people often ask certain questions, a good answer to which cannot possibly be sex. Yet people persist in thinking that it is.
Read MoreIs There an Escape from the Evils of a Contracepting Society? →
The reigning ideology tells us that the unkempt contours of female fertility must be scoured away by a masculine, mechanizing ideology in order to fit into the smooth cogs of the sexual revolution. But is the only paradigm that applies to female fertility one of technological “control”?
Read MoreHumanae Vitae in Light of the War Against Female Fertility →
The contraceptive mindset cannot avoid scapegoating women’s bodies as the cause of both personal and societal problems. By contrast, the Church, with critical and prophetic clarity, points out that it is selfish desire, not the female body, that is the source of our problems.
Read MoreConsent is Not Enough: Harvey Weinstein, Sex, and Human Flourishing
Named "Best of The Public Discourse, 2017"
Read MoreContraception and Catholicism
Contraception and Catholicism: What the Church Teaches and Why presents a simple yet profound explanation of Catholic teaching on contraception. Through an exploration of the meaning of sex and the effects of contraception on the culture, Contraception and Catholicism helps both undecided as well as convinced readers to understand the reasonableness of Church teaching.